[SU-2 23] Leisure - Tuesday Toss League Leisure
leisure - Tuesday Toss League: Cornhole Fun Outside With Friends
Team and leisure together may seem a little unorthodox, but not the way we mesh them. Join leisure to partake in the union of royalty inspired yard games and social shenanigans, minus the recalled lawn darts of yesteryear, for a truly fun and relaxing experience. Tuesday Toss League is just CORNHOLE league. First 3 weeks will be seeding play then week 4 will be the final tournament. We will be at Graduate Eugene Hotel Patio for this fun filled league with full access to food and drinks
Cornhole is played backyard style while enjoying adult beverages and socializing. Teams of two will match up each week to determine the season's leisure champs! Leisure games are played outdoors during the spring to early fall.
Leisure is an open social league that includes any mix of genders on each team. The league is hosted at Graduate Hotel, for a full-bodied experience of adult recreation. Individual and team sign-ups are available; see leisure registration for more details about upcoming leagues, fees, and other riff raff. Join team leisure and have a ball.

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- Team Fees
- Early Bird $25.00 per player
- Regular $30.00 per player
- Free Agent Fees
- Early Bird $25.00
- Regular $30.00
- Sub Fees
- Regular $10.00